Patterns & Moulds
The design of your new carbon fibre part is crucial. Designing the part itself it only half of the story. Before tooling can begin, the process must scrutinised to ensure that no issues are met during the process of manufacturing patterns, moulds or the final part.
Patterns / Masters / Plugs - Creating the ‘master’ part which is what your final parts will perfectly replicate in dimensions. There are different ways of creating the pattern for your component, depending on your budget and requirements.
Moulds / Tooling - Your moulds will hugely determine the quality of your final parts. Again, there are different methods of creating your moulds, depending on a variety of factors. There are also several types of moulds used for different types of parts, from basic fibreglass moulds, high temperature carbon fibre moulds, split moulds, aluminium moulds and more.

Jetski hull pattern machining on 5 axis CNC machine for resin infusion parts